Build A Worm Bin @UHCoLAB

Make your own ORGANIC FERTILIZER! Worm castings can be expensive; however, the care and feeding of these super pooping red wigglers is so easy. Let them do all the work for you!

When: Thursday February 15, 5:30pm

Where: University Heights CoLAB
5 West Northrup Street, Buffalo NY 14214 [map]

Cost: For $25 you take home a working worm bin

Questions? Email Caesandra – moc.liamgobfsctd@ardnaseac

Caesandra will teach you how to: build a perfect bin, feed them, collect their castings and apply their nitrogen-rich waste to your garden soil.

$25 will get you a finished worm bin–complete with red wigglers so you can produce castings all winter. Pay with the button on this page.

Please RSVP by emailing moc.liamgobfsctd@ardnaseac. Let us know if you’ll be building a bin so we bring enough tools and supplies.

Cost: $25

Pay here securely, using Paypal.

You don’t need a Paypal account, you can use your credit or debit card.

Choose “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” or “Paypal Guest Checkout” at the first Paypal screen.