Build A Worm Bin @ UB

Do you cook? Do you ever throw away fresh fruit or veggies that spoiled before you could eat them–and wish you didn’t have to? Do you want to help divert thousands of pounds of food waste from the landfill? Learn about the benefits of vermicompost, and how to create and care for your very own worm bin! Worm waste is high in nitrogen, which all flowering and fruiting plants need. If you know a gardener that would appreciate chemical-free fertilizer–this makes a great gift.

When: March 26, 2018, 6:30pm

Where: University at Buffalo, 119 Clemens Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-4600

Cost: For $25 you take home a working worm bin

This workshop will be led by Caesandra Seawell, Garden Manager and Instructor at Pelion Community Garden at Buffalo’s City Honors School.

***The cost of building and bringing home your own worm bin (red wigglers included) is $25!

LAST DAY TO PAY is Sunday 3/25!!!!!

Questions? Email Caesandra – moc.liamgobfsctd@ardnaseac

Caesandra will teach you how to: build a perfect bin, feed them, collect their castings and apply their nitrogen-rich waste to your garden soil.

$25 will get you a finished worm bin–complete with red wigglers so you can produce castings all winter. Pay with the button on this page.

Please RSVP by emailing moc.liamgobfsctd@ardnaseac. Let us know if you’ll be building a bin so we bring enough tools and supplies.

Pay here securely, using Paypal.

You don’t need a Paypal account, you can use your credit or debit card.

Choose “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” or “Paypal Guest Checkout” at the first Paypal screen.

Cost: $25